Our global participation in trade shows and seminars in the second quarter was an overwhelming experience. The positive response to our displays and presentations strives us to do more…

  • PharmaLytica Expo, Hyderabad, India
  • Inter Food Tech Snack Bake Tech, Mumbai, India
  • Indonesia Cloud & Datacenter Convention, 2023, Jakarta
  • HVAX-R Egypt Expo, ASHRAE, Cairo
  • Pharmatech Labtech Expo 2023, Chandigarh, India
  • India Energy Storage Week (IESW) New Delhi, India

Latest From Bry-Air

Ethylene, a naturally occurring plant hormone, plays a crucial role in the ripening & ageing process of fruits and vegetables. When released in higher concentrations, it accelerates the ripening process, leading to faster deterioration and reduced shelf life. This can cause significant challenges for the fruits and vegetables market, as produce may become overripe or spoiled before reaching consumers, resulting in financial losses for growers, distributors, and retailers. Mitigating these effects require careful monitoring and control of ethylene levels.

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Application areas where Ethylene control is a must:

  • Potato storage for potato chips
  • Potato storage for seed
  • Apple storage
  • Tomato seed storage
  • Onion storage
  • Banana storage
  • Shipping/transportation of horticultural produce

Bad effects of Ethylene on various Fruits & Vegetables

Fruits – Issues
Apples – Scald
Grapes – Mold
Bananas – Decay
Apricots – Decay
Pears – Browning
Passion Fruit – Shrivelling and Weight Loss
Cherimoya – Rapid Softening

Vegetables – Issues
Potatoes – Sprouting
Onions – Odour, Sprouting
Carrots – Bitterness
Green Vegetables – Yellowing, Loss of Colour
Lettuce – Darkens and Turns Slimy
Cabbage – Leaf Abscission

Bry-Air Ethylene Scrubber (BES) removes ethylene effectively

The BES helps in removing Ethylene through the process of adsorption and chemisorption. Bry-Air’s Honeycomb Matrix-based macro porous chemical filters in the form of metal silicates are impregnated with Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4). Being an oxidiser, KMnO4 reacts with Ethylene in the air and releases carbon dioxide and water.

In a nutshell, BES:

  • In a nutshell, BES:
  • Extends the shelf life of fruits and vegetables
  • Minimizes loss due to decay
  • Ensures off-season availability
  • Eliminates harmful preservation

Some Meaningful Outcomes of Ethylene Removal:

  • Gives you a competitive edge with a better product in taste and looks
  • Increased customer satisfaction
  • Longer marketability of the produce
  • Increase in portability
  • Decrease in rejections
  • Reduction in wastages

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Dehumidifiers for Humidity Control in Cold Storage

Humidity poses a threat to cold storage facilities as it can lead to condensation and frost formation on the surfaces of stored items and equipment. This moisture buildup can compromise the quality and safety of perishable goods, potentially leading to spoilage or damage. Dehumidification is the ideal way to get rid of the problem. Installing effective dehumidification systems can remove excess moisture from the air, preventing condensation and maintaining optimal humidity levels.

How Dehumidification Can Help?

  • Ice buildup on walls, floors, and conveyors
  • Frost buildup near loading docks
  • Reduced storage space
  • Frequent shutdowns
  • Mould and mildew growth
  • Moisture absorption by cardboard cartons
  • Decrease in cooling efficiency
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How Dehumidification Can Help?

  • Reduce occupational injuries from slipping, falling, and pallet movements because of wet/icy floors
  • Reduce instances of dock evaporator defrosts
  • Set back summer defrost schedule to winter schedules
  • Provide independent temperature controls
  • Improve sanitation in warehouses through the elimination of overhead condensation, snow, and ice

One Solution – Bry-Air Dehumidifier

One Solution – Bry-Air Dehumidifier Bry-Air provides the simplest and the most cost-effective method of humidity control solution for cold storage.

Dehumidification systems from Bry-Air help maintain the required humidity levels regardless of ambient conditions. They control moisture which occurs through frequent door openings, reducing the number of defrost cycles in cold storage.

Did you know?

Cold Storage was first formed on 8 June 1903 in Singapore, as a storage and distribution business for frozen food and perishable products.

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Upcoming Events 2023

We are thrilled to experience an overwhelmingly positive response in all the exhibitions we have participated in so far. The remarkable support and enthusiasm from our customers, partners, and industry experts have left us immensely grateful for their trust and encouragement.

With this momentum, we’re excited to announce numerous upcoming events and warmly invite you to join us.

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Pahwa Group – PR Coverage

Title: Customising Products as per Industry Needs is Vital
Publication: A&D India
Date of Publish: May 4, 2023

Title: Efficient HVAC Installations at Industrial Manufacturing
Publication: OEM Update
Date of Publish: Mar 16, 2023

Title: We Aim to Reduce Energy Consumption through IoT
Publication: Thermal Control Business Update
Date of Publish: April 15, 2023

Title: Innovations are happening in Green Technologies for Increasing Energy Efficiency
Publication: Thermal Control
Date of Publish: April 4, 2023

Title: ‘How can Dehumidifiers Propel Efficient Utilization of recently Discovered Lithium Reserve.’
Publication: Spicos Magazine
Date of Publish: June 15, 2023

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