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Harmful gases from indoor air corrode sensitive electronic equipment resulting in downtime, data loss, revenue loss and ultimately customer dis-satisfaction!!

Gaseous contaminants can be divided into 3 categories: acidic, caustic and oxidizing. Of these, acidic gases like hydrogen sulphide (H2S), sulphur dioxide (SO2), hydrogen fluoride and nitrogen oxides are the most harmful. They are more likely to be the agents of corrosion compared to caustic gases like ammonia and oxidising ones like ozone.

Facts of the matter!

So how do these contaminants invade into the workspace and cause damage. The answer is simple, while some contaminants are generated from within eg. tobacco smoke, formaldehye, organic compounds from paint and furnishings, others seep in from outside. Most modern day building are in close proximity to landfills, sewerage and traffic congestion zones which emanates hydrogen sulphide gas from decaying organic matter.

The contamination gets further aggravated if the wind direction is from the contaminant generation zone towards the building.

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Bry-Air EcoScrub for Hardware and Human health

Bry-Air EcoScrub Air and Gas Purification System (AGP) helps to eliminate downtime by removing corrosive gases through the process of adsorption and chemisorption.

Bry-Air EcoScrub cleans contaminated air effectively and economically.

Some of our customers

  • Reliance
  • Grasim
  • RMSI
  • 3 Global Solution
  • Sutherland Global
  • Ness
  • IBN18
  • IBN7
  • UTV News
    . . . and many others have

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When Moisture is Torture

In this column, we will share with you regularly our experience in major application areas where usage of dehumidification is both extensive and essential.

Moisture Menace in Food Processing!!

Moisture/ humidity play a major spoiler in the food processing industry during storage, production, packaging, processing and low temperature drying. Some of the typical problems associated with moisture are:

  • product spoilage
  • lumping
  • caking
  • loss of freshness
  • loss of crispness
  • loss of flavor, shape etc.


Provided below are examples of how the moisture menace strikes while processing food.

Powdery Foods

Moisture control is undeniably the most important requirement during processing of powdery foods as it cause

  • stickiness
  • lumping
  • caking
  • cluster formation


Powdery foods include health foods, herbal products, juice concentrates, protein supplements, soup powders, cocoa, gelatines, dehydrated soft drink concentrates, coffee powders etc.

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Meat Processing

Microorganism growth is one of the main causes of potential food contamination.

Ensuring the correct moisture and condensation levels is crucial for the meat industry.

Chocolate / Candy Processing

Chocolates, hard candies, chewing gums and confectionery products contain a large percentage of sugar/sugar-based ingredients which are hygroscopic. When the humidity is high, these products regain moisture and become sticky or mouldy. This inhibits the natural flow as it sticks to the high-speed processing and packaging machinery and also the wrapping material.

Vegetable Drying

Some vegetables and fruits like onion, garlic, peas, grapes, walnut kernels, dates etc. have to be dried to the desired moisture content at low temperature. These dehydrated foods also tend to pick up moisture from surrounding air during processing, packaging and storage, become soggy and start deteriorating.

Dehumidification – the most dependable and cost-effective solution

Bry-Air Dehumidifiers lowers the moisture content to as low as 1% in the food processing and packaging areas to upgrade quality and extend shelf life of the products.

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