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Innovation in technology and business processes is our Driving Philosophy at Bry-Air

For the past 55 years, Bry-Air has been specializing in designing and manufacturing desiccant-based engineered dehumidification systems.

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Actively engaging with its diversified customer base at the booth at:

  • The Big 5, Dubai UAE
  • K Show, Dusseldorf, Germany

Building air engineering foundation and application knowledge to provide quality air solutions Bry-Air sales engineers attended rigorous 8-day residential training to be future ready to deliver to the fast-evolving customer needs.

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No more ‘Tears’

Don’t let your tear gas shells delay smoke formation and cause pain

Humidity Moisture Control is essential during tear smoke shell and grenade manufacturing.

Tear gas shells! grenades are used by defence services and law-enforcing agencies for crowd control across countries. The tear gas compounds are meant to bring about temporary incapacitation by causing irritation of eyes, nose, respiratory tract and skin with consequent production of profuse tears and mucus. They are generally considered to be safe and only cause temporary pain and lacrimation for bringing crowd and mob under control.

CS powder, also called o-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile, the main component of tear gas on coming in contact with moisture tends to impact the free flow and cause lumping during the process. Lumping of powder thereby leads to delayed smoke formation which in turn defeats the major purpose of tear gas usage.

Uncontrolled moisture during production of tear gas shells leads to slowing down of the entire process and if not stored in ideal RH conditions, the crowd control agents (tear gas shells) may even misfire. Ideal storage facilities for tear gas shells should maintain a temperature of 60 °F with a lower of 50% or lower relative humidity.

Say ‘Cheese’

Prevent your cheese from contamination and help retain its original quality, flavour and taste

Humidity Control Solutions to make Cheese Processors and Exporters Smile.

Maintaining humidity at desired levels across cheese processing facilities be it curing rooms, storage, packaging area is utmost essential. It not only helps improve the quality of cheese but also prevents spoilage, thereby resulting in processing efficiency and better return on investment. Dehumidification helps reduce the curing time and retain the superior quality of the cheese.

Cheese being a highly perishable product and with variety of cheese available and an ever-increasing demand, cheese is available in powder and spreads, handmade and exotic, goat cheese and cow’s! sheep’s milk cheese, all making cheese processors all the more careful of the hygiene and sanitary conditions maintained in their processing facilities.

Typical cheese, dairy powder processing unit grapple with the following humidity related challenges: Wet Surfaces due to condensation in the cheese processing areas:

    • Risk of mould growth and bacteria developing in critical locations due to wet surfaces and high humidity
    • Unpredictable curing time and quality deterioration due to external moisture conditions
    • Variable productivity and wasting of product because of the various layer of fungus and mould formation after the curing time
    • Risk of moisture regain during cooling stage of Cheese powder before packaging


Recommendation Maintaining ambient relative humidity levels between 45% and 55% is recommended for optimal performance and reliability at room temperature maintained between 20°C to 22°C.

The solution

Bry-Air dehumidifiers help cheese dry at consistent and stable humidity levels, reducing curing time by upto 70% and ensuring your cheese products retains the high quality, texture and taste.

With Bry-Air dehumidifiers installed at your cheese processing facilities, you will always have a smile on your face be it anywhere across the globe.

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