Latest From Bry-Air

In this digital age, the corporate houses, retail chains rely heavily on information technology for various business operations like online payments, maintaining customer records, inventory management etc. Any disruption may affect the profitability and operations of the business houses. These business houses need servers for continuous and smooth operations, which functions round the clock.

However, the servers are also at risk due to constant exposure to airborne molecular contamination and gaseous contamination due to nearby sources like dumping yards, open drain, heavy traffic jam etc. The gaseous contaminants cause corrosion and disrupts the functioning of these servers due to micro corrosion on its electronic components. Even the leading server manufacturers do not provide AMC services if the environmental condition of server room doesn’t match with their recommendations. They have stated that airborne particulates and reactive gases acting alone or in combination with other environmental factors such as humidity or temperature pose a severe risk to the server.

The Bry-Air Solution

Bry-Air Data Center Air Purifier (DAP) is the ideal gas phase filtration system with the most advanced Honeycomb Filtration Technology. DAP removes airborne molecular, gaseous contaminants and reduce downtime, through the process of adsorption and chemisorption. It helps meeting the ISA71.04-2013 standard in data centers and server rooms.

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Bry-Air Dehumidifiers have effectively maintained the exact conditions needed for safety glass

Today, the world’s most astounding structures are carved in the glass. Do you know why the most leading architects choose glass over other building materials? The answer is… glass has the ability to make the structure look more stunning and strong. The glazing glass is chosen for its durability and strength, as it cannot break or fracture under stress.

Although, glass is safe and strong, but brittle during production and it needs to be handled with care. The presence of moisture during production makes it vulnerable. It is safe, strong and durable, if manufactured in the controlled environment and can resist fire, earthquake, and blast.

Laminated glass is a combination of two or more glass sheets with one or more inter-layers of plastic (PVB film) or resin. This thin and transparent plastic film is used as an adhesive between the layers of glass which holds the shattered glass together in the event of breakage. It is hygroscopic and tends to absorb moisture during storage, prior to manufacturing.

The trapped moisture takes the form of bubbles between the layers of glass. This moisture reduces the clarity of the glass and the effectiveness of the bond between the two layers of glass, rendering the product unsafe. The laminated glass strength is highly dependent on the bonding between the glass layers.

The RH level in the glass laminating area should be maintained at 20-22% with 20 °C. Bry-Air Dehumidifiers have effectively maintained the exact conditions needed for safety glass. Desiccant dehumidifiers are an effective solution for humidity control at low temperature to prevent moisture regain. During glass manufacturing, storage and using laminating adhesive, the desiccant dehumidifier creates a low humidity environment making the safety glass safer.

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